About Us

Photopacker photopackers is your travel companion based in Jakarta, Indonesia that help to ease the burden of people who wants to travel but can’t decide where to go, with whom to go, where to stay, how to get there, how much it will cost, don’t have the time to arrange it alone, etc.

We offer trips for those who like to take photo and travel with a backpacker budget (that’s why we named it photopacker),we have set it all up for your trip start from transportation, lodging, meals, tourist attraction to the little things that often forgotten.

The regular/open trip events will be held every end or beginning of month. Why?? Because it fits with your payday and definitely more saturated with work. But it is possible for people who request our trip to the dates determined.

In a word photopacker photopackers organize a trip to a certain destination (for now in Indonesia only 😀 ) and date, and gather people to share the cost.

So…if you amongst those who confused traveling alone or have no one to photograph you while traveling. Come and join our fun trip!

Let’s pack and pose 😉


Photopacker photopackers merupakan sahabat perjalanan anda yang membantu meringankan beban orang-orang yang pengen jalan-jalan tapi bingung mau kemana, bingung mau pergi sama siapa, bingung nginep dimana, bingung naik apa, bingung butuh budget berapa dan males buat arrange semua sendiri.

Kami menawarkan jalan-jalan buat penyuka photo-photo yang pinginnya backpacker-an (that’s why we named it photopacker) semua udah kami yang atur mulai dari transportasi ke tempat tujuan, penginapan, makan, objek wisata sampai hal-hal kecil yg seringkali dilupakan.

Trip akan dilaksanakan tiap akhir / awal bulan (kenapaaaa) karna pas dengan tanggal gajian dan pasti lagi jenuh-jenuhnya dengan pekerjaan, tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan buat orang-orang yang request trip kepada kami di tanggal-tanggal yang ditentukan sendiri.

sooo buat yg bingung jalan-jalan sendiri atau ga ada yang fotoin saat jalan-jalan
mari gabung di trip kami

Let’s pack and pose 😉